Schoenstatt's Instrument Spirituality

Publication Info


Kentenich, Josef

Language: English

Publisher: Schoenstatt Fathers

Publishing place: Waukesha, WI, USA

Book format: Paperback

Keywords: instrument spirituality


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Edition remarks: (main text from 1944, other texts added) published by Schoenstatt Fathers. Germany, 1995. Printed by litho print Waukesha. U.S.A. Pages - 204, colour - white. Size 18.5 x12. It is in the form of printing. Edited by J.Niehaus. Event name: Marianische Werkzeugsfrömmigkeit. Text from 1944-04-01 - 1944-07-01 Short name: Werkzeugsfrömmigkeit Abbreviation: MWF 44

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