The birth of Home Shrine. [November 18 / 1963] this history of the development of the Home Shrine is based on personal interviews and the study of written documentation from three continents. Include “Founding Document” of the home shrine, 18th Nove 

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Kentenich, Josef

Sprache: Englisch

Data source: b_bibprim_edition

Original ID within data source: 381

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Edition remarks: Published by Schoenstatt Fathers., Waukesha., U.S.A. 1994. Pages 130. Colour - White. Size 21 x 13.5. It is in the form of printing. Translated by J. Niehaus. Event name: Die Geburt des Hausheiligtums 1963 Text from 1963-11-18 Short name: Die Geburt des Hausheiligtums 1963

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