Childlikeness Before God 

Information über die Publikation


Kentenich, Josef

Other editions:

Niños ante Dios Santiago, Chile

Sprache: Englisch

Translated from: Kindsein vor Gott - Priesterexerzitien 

Seitenanzahl: 278

Verlag: Schoenstatt Fathers

Verlagsort: Waukesha, WI, USA

Jahr der Autorenrechte: 2001

Buchformat: Paperback

Data source: b_bibprim_edition

Original ID within data source: 549

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Edition remarks: English translation 2001 by the Schoenstatt Fathers (J. Niehaus). Published version of German original 1979 by Patris Verlag, Vallendar-Schönstatt, Germany, used with permission. Printed by the Schoenstatt Fathers, W284 N746 Cherry Lane, Waukesha, WI 53188, USA., Sch e-Library 2006 Event name: Kindsein vor Gott. (Bethlehem Missionare, Schweiz) Text from 1937-01-01 (Herbst) Short name: Kindsein vor Gott (Beth.) 37 Abbreviation: BethEx 37

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Colegio Mayor Childlikeness Before God 1937_Pri. 1.1 (Currently checked out)
Colegio Mayor Childlikeness Before God 1937_Pri. 1.2

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