Informação sobre a publicação
Idioma: Inglês
Current publication: Heavenwards [6, 2018]
Translated from: Himmelwärts
Número de páginas: 196
Date published: 2006
Editor: Schoenstatt Fathers
Lugar de publicação: Waukesha, Wisconsin
Ano dos direitos de autor: 1992
Formato do livro: Paperback
Keywords: Dachau, prayer, spirituality
Edition remarks: American Edition. This edition was published 15th September 1993.It was published on 25th anniversary of the death of our Father Fr. Joseph Kentenich. Pages 245. Colour - dark red. Size 15 x 10.5.
Translated by J. Niehaus. It is in the form of printing.
Event name: Himmelwärts.
Text from 1942-01-01 - 1945-01-01
Short name: Himmelwärts
Abbreviation: HW 45
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