2nd founding document 

Publication Info


Kentenich, Josef

Language: English

Book format: EBook

Data source: b_bibprim_edition

Original ID within data source: 129

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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /usr/www/users/ourlink/schoenstatt.link/vendor/erusev/parsedown-extra/ParsedownExtra.php on line 305

Edition remarks: Schoenstatt - The founding documents [1912,1914,1939,1944] Event name: Worte zur Stunde. (2. Gründungsurkunde 1939) Text from 1939-10-18 (zum) Short name: 2. Gründungsurkunde 1939 Abbreviation: 2. GU 39

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No physical copies available in current library catalogs.

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