Los años ocultos - Padre José Kentenich - infancia y juventud 

Publication Info


Schlickmann, Dorothea M.

Other editions:

The Hidden Years Waukesha, WI, USA

Rejtett évek - Josef Kentenich atya gyermekkora és ifjúsága (1885-1910)  1, 2012 Óbudavár, Hungary

Language: Spanish

Translated from: Die verborgenen Jahre: Pater Josef Kentenich; Kindheit und Jugend; (1885 - 1910)

ISBN: 9789509645158

Edition: 1

Translator(s): Acosta, Sergio Danilo

Number of pages: 285

Date published: 2008

Publisher: Editorial Schönstatt-Nazaret

Publishing place: Florencio Varela, Argentina

Copyright year: 2008

Book format: Paperback

Keywords: biography, father kentenich

Physical copy availability

Hugo Fernando Casartelli Oreggioni says: 3 years ago

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