El Padre José Kentenich y San Vicente Pallotti
Book Info
Library: Bellavista
Call number: ANW-E
Collection: Pallotti
Barcode: 53857
Author(s): Anwandter, P. Humberto; Alliende Luco, Joaquín; Maas, Bernhard; Vautier, Paul; Kentenich, Josef (Joseph, José); Santos Gaynor, Juan
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 9562463001
Edition: 1
Number of pages: 321
Year published: 2006
Publisher: Editorial Patris Chile
Publishing place: Chile
Keywords: Autobiographie /Biographie, Pallotti, Pater Kentenich
Anwandter, P. Humberto; Alliende Luco, Joaquín; Maas, Bernhard; Vautier, Paul; Kentenich, Josef (Joseph, José); Santos Gaynor, JuanLanguage: Spanish
ISBN: 9562463001
Edition: 1
Number of pages: 321
Date published: 2006-07
Publisher: Editorial Patris Chile
Publishing place: Chile
Copyright year: 2006
Keywords: Autobiographie /Biographie, Pallotti, Pater Kentenich
Data source: forschungsbibliothek
Original ID within data source: 2158